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African Giant Mantis CB

African Giant Mantis CB

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The African Mantis, or more specific and scientific Sphodromantis lineola, is a large and fierce species of mantis. It is commonly kept as a pet because of its size and fierce hunting techniques and its relatively easy care.
Her natural habitat lies in sub-Saharan Africa.

This species of praying mantis is usually green, but there are also beige and brown varieties. The difference in color is mainly due to the environment in which the animal is kept. The brown varieties can have beautiful purple eyes as can be seen on the pictures on this page.
This is one of the larger species of praying mantis that is being successfully kept in captivity. The females are about 8 cm long, the males are a bit smaller with 6 to 7 cm. The males are thinner with wings that are slightly longer than their body. The females are larger, with wings that extend just to the end of the abdomen. On their wings they have a yellowish dot.

Sphodromantis lineola is a fierce kind of praying mantis. She will actively chase prey once she has spotted it. Females can handle very large prey. Males can sometimes be a bit intimidated by VERY large prey such as locusts, so it is better not to give them extremely large prey. When the adults of this species feel threatened it may raise its wings and move its front arms sideways to expose an orange colored area.