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Assassin Snail

Assassin Snail

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Clea Helena

Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image


Anentome helena


Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Sexual Dimorphism

No obvious external differences.

Maximum Size

2cm (0.8?)

Water Parameters

Moderately hard, alkaline water is best. pH:
7.2-8.0, dH 10-25 deg.


22-27 deg C (72-81 deg F)




No special requirements



The carnivorous Assassin Snail is a small, freshwater whelk
species suited to tropical aquaria. In the wild, it feeds on carrion, worms and
other gastropods. This is quite an active snail that will roam in its search
for food. When at rest, it usually buries itself into the sandy substrate with
just its sensitive proboscis (or ?snorkel?) protruding; if food items are
detected moving past, the snail quickly stirs into action. In the aquarium, the
Assassin Snail will feed on ?pest? snails such as pond snails and Malaysian
trumpet/livebearing snails, which can sometimes reach plague proportions if not
kept in check. They themselves will reproduce in the home aquarium, but not
usually at such as alarming rate. Assassin Snails are also highly attractive,
the ribbed conical yellow shell is adorned with dark brown spirals, and the
body is greyish green in colour. Although this is a relatively hardy snail, it
naturally requires good water quality (preferably with decent current) and a soft
sand substrate in which to burrow. Larger ornamental snails are usually safe
from Assassin Snails, but they will prey on small juveniles of such species.
There are occasional reports of Assassin Snails attacking small shrimp, but in
well fed specimens, this is not the norm. Aquatic plants are perfectly safe
from these opportunistic carnivores. May also be seen on sale as the
Snail-Eating Snail.



Offer a variety of meaty foods. Will consume small snails,
bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp & Mysis,
sinking catfish pellets/granules etc.



Assassin Snails will reproduce in the home aquarium, but at
a relatively slow rate compared to that of many ?pest? snails. As they are non
hermaphroditic, a large group should help to ensure you have both sexes. After
mating, which can take several hours, eggs are laid singly in tiny
semi-transparent pouches that are affixed to the glass and d?cor. Once hatched,
the young tend to disappear beneath the substrate, and are only seen several
weeks ? even months ? later.