Dascyllus trimaculatus
Due to
variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image
provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Aggressive
Color Form: Black, White
Diet: Omnivore
Reef Compatible: Yes
Water Conditions: 72-78?
F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size: 5?"
Origin: Fiji, Indonesia,
New Caledonia, Philippines
Family: Pomacentridae
Minimum Tank Size: 30
The 3-Spot Domino Damselfish, also known as the Three
Spot Damselfish, Threespot Dascyllus or Domino Damselfish, is so named due to
the three white spots on its black body. It matures into an aggressive adult
whose bright spots fade with age and will enter into a relationship with
Stichodactyla species (Carpet Anemone) if one is available.
A 30 gallon aquarium or larger is suitable in size.
Because it can tolerate substandard water parameters, it is a popular fish
among beginning hobbyists. The 3-Spot Domino Damselfish becomes more active and
aggressive with age. Therefore, it is a great fish to grow up with larger
The 3-Spot Domino Damselfish feeds on a variety of meaty
foods, herbivore preparations, and flaked foods.