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Khuli Loach

Khuli Loach

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Pangio kuhlii

Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical
to the image provided


Acanthophthalmus kuhlii, Cobitis kuhlii


Sumatra, Borneo and Java, Indonesia. Also
Malaysia and Thailand.

Sexual Dimorphism

Females are noticeably plumper when filled with

Maximum Size

10cm (4?)

Water Parameters

Soft and slightly acidic is best long-term. pH:
6.0-7.0, dH: up to 12 degrees.


25-28 deg C (77-82 deg F)







Kuhli Loaches are social creatures and must be maintained
in good sized groups ? five would be considered the absolute minimum number. It
is very important that the aquarium is well matured and has a sandy substrate
in order to protect the delicate sensory barbel area of these inquisitive
bottom-dwelling fish. Kuhli Loaches will very much appreciate areas of dense
planting, where they can congregate and literally ?hang around? together. In
the wild, these fish live amongst the leaf litter of their native waterways,
and many aquarists find that keeping - and regularly replacing - dried Indian
Almond Leaves (Terminalia catappa) on the bottom of their aquarium provides
these fish with natural hiding places and conditions. If housing smaller
specimens, be sure to protect them from any filter or powerhead intakes as they
do like to try and squeeze into tiny nooks and crevices. Kuhli Loaches are a
peaceful species and do well in quieter tanks with tankmates of a similar
disposition. It must be mentioned that there are many, many different striped
Kuhli Loach species living in south east Asia, a fair number of which are
exported in the aquatics trade, and often misidentified. The vast majority have
similar needs to those described here.



Sinking catfish pellets and small sized frozen foods such
as mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, and daphnia. Smaller specimens will appreciate
baby brineshrimp and cyclops. Will also nibble on any flake that makes it to
the bottom of the aquarium.



There are reports of ?unplanned? breedings of some Kuhli
Loach species in captivity, although these are few and far between. Most of
these are said to have occurred in densely planted aquariums with no predatory
fish present, or else in older aquariums running with undergravel filters,
where the fish have dug underneath the plates. Well cared for females regularly
fill with eggs, but the actual spawning, for a large part, still remains a bit
of a mystery.