Lactoria cornuta
Due to
variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image
provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen
Care Level: Difficult
Temperament: Peaceful
Color Form: White,
Diet: Omnivore
Reef Compatible: With
Water Conditions: 72-78?
F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size1' 8"
Venomous: Poisonous When
Stressed or Dies
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Ostraciidae
Minimum Tank Size: 250
The Longhorn Cowfish inhabit the reefs of the
Indo-Pacific, usually in the less turbid waters. The body is tan to yellow and
covered with white and blue dots, and is occasionally referred to as the Yellow
Boxfish; however, the Longhorn is not to be confused with Ostracion cubicus,
commonly called the Yellow or Polka Dot Boxfish. In the wild, it is not
uncommon to see a 20" specimen, while in the aquarium the Longhorn Cowfish
tends to be dramatically smaller - 16" or less.
When possible, the Longhorn Cowfish should be the first
fish introduced in the tank. It is intolerant of other Longhorns, so keep it in
a large tank, with some live rock for algae scraping. Use caution if placing
the Cowfish Longhorn in a reef tank as it may nibble on tubeworms. When housed
correctly, the Cowfish Longhorn is long-lived.
Similar to other boxfish, the Cowfish Longhorn's skin is
poisonous and, when threatened, it will release a toxin lethal to other tank
members, including other Longhorns.
Since they are omnivores, the Longhorn Cowfish should be
offered a variety of meaty and vegetable foods. They are slow eaters, and
should not be housed with aggressive eaters.