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Pearl Gourami

Pearl Gourami

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Trichopodus leerii

Note: Due
to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image


Trichogaster leerii


Asia: Malay peninsula, Indonesia & Thailand

Sexual Dimorphism

Males have pointed anal & dorsal fins. Mature
males develop an orange throat and breast.

Maximum Size

12cm (4.72?)

Water Parameters

Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions.
pH: 6.0-8.0, dH: up to 20 degrees.


24-28 deg C (75- 82 deg F)


Specialist Community


No special requirements



This peaceful species is one of the most attractive members
of the Gourami family and is suitable for adequately sized community aquariums.
Although they will adapt to a wide range of water conditions, they will be at
their best in softer, slightly acidic water. Pearl Gouramis appreciate plenty
of live plants in the aquarium, including floating species to help diffuse some
of the lighting. Although they are of a peaceful nature, adults cannot be
trusted with tiny fish or fry. May also be seen on sale as Lace Gourami.



Flake, green flake, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae,
brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp etc.



Bring your pair into
condition by feeding with a mixture of frozen foods. A shallow softwater
breeding tank should be set up at approximately 28 deg C, with a good amount of
floating plants. Once the pair have settled in to the aquarium and are ready to
spawn, the male will construct a bubblenest at the waters? surface. The male
and female will gather together underneath the nest, and the spawning will
occur as the male wraps his body around the female, who releases hundreds of
eggs as he simultaneously fertilises them. The eggs float to the surface and
are herded into the bubblenest by the male, who commences his ?guard duty?. The
female should be removed and acclimatised back to the main aquarium at this
point. After approximately 4 days, the fry become free-swimming and the male
should be removed. The young may be fed on small amounts of liquid egg-layer
first foods or infusoria several times per day, moving on to slightly larger
food (such as baby brineshrimp) after a fortnight. It is important to carry out
small daily water changes on the fry aquarium in order to prevent losses due to
the build up of excessive waste levels, to which they are particularly
sensitive. It is crucial that a warm layer of air is maintained between the
surface of the water and the coverslides at all times whilst the fry are
developing their labyrinth organ, critical during the first few weeks of their
life. Therefore, much care must be taken when carrying out the necessary small
daily water changes