These Woodlice will breed readily in the right environment, helping to keep things clean and healthy for your pets. Matched with creatures such as Springtails, the woodlice will provide as food for small creatures - eg. Dart Frogs This helps with maintaining the standard of the Terrarium.
These calcium based bugs reproduces easily in dark Rainforest climates. They are slightly larger than Springtails, growing to around 5mm in size, and not only provide as food, but are high in calcium for your animals as well.
All the woodlice should be kept in a damp environment, ideally a live set up Rainforest system, allowing them to thrive and establish. In order to get them well set up in an effective eco-system, we would recommend getting these in first before adding any pets, waiting for between 10 - 14 days. This allows the Woodlice to establish themselves before being eaten.